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Accessing The Members Area with Your Certificate

In order to enter the members area without a password, you need to have your X.509 Certificate and Key installed into your web browser. The PKCS12 file contains both the certificate and key. You may also need to install the JTAN Root CA key into your browser. Here are links to these:
  • Get the JTAN Root CA Key
  • Get Your JTAN Cient Key by logging into the Members Page and follow the link on the lower right under Account Services, Misc, to your "JTAN Client Certs".
Some web browsers will automatically open these certificate files and install them. If your browser does not, save the cert to a file. Then there should be an Import Certificate function somewhere in the configuration or options menus for your browser. If you are prompted for the export password on the certificate/key, leave the field blank, as there are no passwords on the cert files.

Only install the certificate and keys on a computer you have complete control over. Your certificate is your identity as far as JTAN is concerned. Anyone possessing your certificate will be treated as you and given full access to your account. If you wish to protect your certificate further, your browser should allow you to enter a password to encrypt the private key. Of course, now you are using a password again, but at least your browser allows you to set your own password, and will remember it for you in many cases.

For further information on certificate management, consult the documentation provided with your browser.

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