j tan()JTAN

Get Ultimate Security!

JTAN/GeoTrust Server Certs


Offers you ultimate security with a GeoTrust True BusinessID!


A GeoTrust True BusinessID incorporates a 128-bit

digital certificate and unique GeoTrust True Site

service to uniquely identify people and resources over

the Internet.  As the adoption and use of 128-bit SSL

certificates has increased, so has their acceptance.

They are the standard for e-commerce enabled web sites

or any site that collects private information like

credit card numbers, account numbers or passwords.

When you travel to another country, your passport

provides you with a universally accepted means of

establishing your identity and gaining access to a

protected area. A True BusinessID provides a similar

type of identification and access.


Once a certificate has been issued, the holder can

provide this certificate to people, Web sites, and other

network resources to prove their identity and establish

encrypted, confidential and secure communications.


JTAN has now made this level of

security available to you!! This full security is quckly

and easily enabled through the installation of a digital

certificate that turns on the exisiting SSL security

capabilities already built into most browsers. By doing

this, you'll be able to securely communicate with the

millions of customers who use the internet worldwide!


To help you get started, we've made purchasing your

True BusinessID a simple process!


Visit our webpage at: www.jtan.com to find

out more.


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